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Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 23(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536504


el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar fallas a la integridad científica por parte de personal de investigación latinoamericano. Metodología: se realizaron cuestionarios anónimos y voluntarios después de tratar este tema en 121 cursos de redacción científica / taller de tesis dictados en Latinoamérica, sobre todo en Argentina, durante 20 años (2001-2020). Resultados: las 2064 respuestas válidas mostraron que un 60 % tenía cinco o más años de egreso, 48,6 % señalaron coautoría indebida y 28,9 % que su nombre fue omitido de publicaciones. Un 24,9 % reconoció haber cometido alguna clase de mala conducta en su carrera. La coacción a que fue sometido para que lo hiciera fue reconocida por un 56,7 %. El 60,7 % de las 512 personas ignoraba que era un error. La coautoría indebida fue la mala conducta más frecuente (46 %), seguida de plagio y falseamiento de datos. En relatos conocidos de primera mano se destacan: publicación en salamín, duplicación y robo de datos, así como soborno y manipulación de imágenes. Ninguna de las personas que tomaron cursos previos de formación en bioética (0/560) cometieron motu propio actos inadecuados. Conclusión: el personal científico comete un porcentaje relativamente elevado de fallas a la integridad científica; impartir cursos de integridad científica tiene un fuerte rol en el autocontrol para evitarlas.

Objective: This work aims to analyze failures in scientific integrity on the part of Latin American research personnel. Methodology: anonymous and voluntary questionnaires were carried out after dealing with this topic in 121 scientific writing courses/thesis workshops in Latin America, mainly in Argentina, for 20 years (2001-2020). Results: The 2064 valid responses showed that 60% had five or more years of graduation, 48.6% indicated improper co-authorship, and 28.9% that their name was omitted from publications. 24.9% acknowledged having omitted their name from publications. Some 24.9% acknowledged having committed some misconduct in their career. The coercion to which he was subjected to do so was recognized by 56.7%. 60.7 % of the 512 people were unaware that it was a mistake. Misconduct was the most frequent misconduct (46 %), followed by plagiarism and misrepresentation of data. In first-hand accounts, salami publication, data duplication, theft, bribery, and image manipulation stand out. None of the persons who took previous bioethics training courses (0/560) committed inappropriate acts of their own accord. Conclusion: scientific personnel commits a relatively high percentage of scientific integrity failures; providing scientific integrity courses has a decisive role in self-monitoring to avoid them.

Objetivo: analisar falhas na integridade científica por parte de equipe de pesquisa latino- -americana. Metodologia: foram analisados questionários anônimos e voluntários depois de tratar esse tema em 121 cursos de redação científica/oficina de tese ministrados na América Latina, principalmente na Argentina, durante 20 anos (2001-2020). Resultados: as 2.064 respostas válidas mostraram que 60 % tinham cinco ou mais anos de formados, 48,6 % indicaram coautoria indevida e 28,9 % que seu nome foi omitido de publicações. 24,9 % reconheceram ter cometido alguma classe de mau comportamento em sua carreira. A coação a qual foi submetido para que o fizesse foi reconhecida por 56,7 %. 60,7 % das 512 pessoas ignoravam que era um erro. A coautoria indevida foi o mau comportamento mais frequente (46 %), seguida de plágio e falseamento de dados. Em relatos conhecidos de primeira mão se destacam: publicação "salame", duplicação e roubo de dados, bem como suborno e manipulação de imagens. Nenhuma das pessoas que fizeram cursos prévios de formação em bioética (0/560) cometeram motu propio atos inadequados. Conclusão: o pessoal científico comete uma porcentagem relativamente elevado de falhas na integridade científica; dar cursos de integridade científica tem um forte papel no autocontrole para evitá-las.

Acta bioeth ; 29(1): 27-38, jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439072


El presente artículo analiza, a partir de una revisión documental de planes y programas de curso de los doctorados en Educación activos en Chile, en qué medida y cómo los programas de formación de futuros investigadores en educación doctoral abordan el desafío de integrar la educación ética en su diseño curricular. Mediante un análisis temático de la documentación oficial de los programas se identificaron y analizaron diversos elementos relacionados con ética de la investigación e integridad académica abordados en la formación doctoral, su enfoque prevalente (normativo o de discernimiento ético), su orientación (propositiva o de prevención) y la profundidad con que son tratados esos aspectos. Los resultados muestran que solo un tercio de los actuales programas abordan de manera explícita la formación ética en investigación, y que, en estos casos, su abordaje tiende a subrayar aspectos más formales que de fondo, acotados fundamentalmente al cumplimiento del protocolo de consentimiento informado.

This article analyzes to what extent and how training programs for future researchers in doctoral education address the challenge of integrating ethical training in their curricular design. Based on a documentary review of course plans and postgraduate programs in education active in Chile, the explicit presence of ethical aspects and academic integrity in their training plans was examined. Through a thematic analysis of the official documentation of the programs, we identified and analyzed various elements related to research ethics and academic integrity addressed in doctoral training, their prevalent approach normative or ethical discernment, their orientation proactive or preventive and the depth with which these aspects are treated. The results show that only one-third of the current programs explicitly address ethical training in research and that in these cases, their approach tends to emphasize more formal than substantive aspects, mainly limited to compliance with the informed consent protocol.

O presente artigo analisa, a partir de uma revisão documental de planos e programas de curso dos doutorados em Educação ativos no Chile, em que medida e como os programas de formação de futuros investigadores em educação pós-graduada abordam o desafio de integrar a educação ética em seu plano curricular. Mediante uma análise temática da documentação oficial dos programas se identificaram e analisaram diversos elementos relacionados com ética da investigação e integridade acadêmica abordados na formação pós-graduada, seu enfoque prevalente (normativo ou de discernimento ético), sua orientação (propositiva ou de prevenção) e a profundidade com que são tratados esses aspectos. Os resultados mostram que só um terço dos atuais programas abordam de maneira explícita a formação ética em investigação, e que, nestes casos, sua abordagem tende a ressaltar aspectos mais formais que substanciais, limitados fundamentalmente ao cumprimento do protocolo de consentimento informado.

Humans , Teaching , Chile
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535142


El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación existente entre las políticas institucionales sobre integridad científica y la obtención de licenciamiento en universidades peruanas. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de observación documental y análisis de la normativa peruana sobre evaluación de la calidad universitaria, licenciamiento de universidades, normativa de integridad científica y resoluciones de denegación de licencias de funcionamiento de universidades. Se encontró que, de las 48 universidades y 2 escuelas de postgrado que no demostraron en su evaluación el cumplimiento de las Condiciones Básicas de Calidad, bajo el Modelo de Licenciamiento Institucional, 32 universidades y 1 escuela de postgrado (66%) han sido observadas por presentar deficiencias en aspectos relacionados con políticas de integridad científica requisitas. El estudio concluye en que la política universitaria de integridad científica es un criterio importante para recibir el Licenciamiento Institucional en el sistema universitario peruano.

The aim of this study was to analyze the relation between institutional policies on scientific integrity and licensing of Peruvian universities. It is a descriptive study analyzing Peruvian regulations on university quality assessment, university licensing (accreditation), scientific integrity regulations and the denial of university operating licenses. It was found that, of the 48 universities and 2 graduate schools that did not meet the Basic Quality Conditions under the Peruvian Institutional Licensing Model, 32 universities and 1 graduate school (66%) had deficiencies related to required scientific integrity policies. The study concludes that universities' scientific integrity policies are an important criterion for receiving Institutional Licensing in the Peruvian university system.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 967-973, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991450


Under the influence of the coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic, the disadvantages of traditional blended teaching, which has been developed for 20 years, are gradually being revealed. With the help of modern network technology and under the guidance of minimalism, the new blended teaching model adheres to the principle of systematic, holistic, ecological, and collaborative reform and thus can not only efficiently realize the teaching goal of "improvement in self-learning ability and high-order thinking ability", but also achieve innovation and inheritance of "excellent teaching concepts and methods". On this basis, this study forms the "151 framework and BASIC mechanism", which will promote the reform and upgrading of blended teaching from point to surface and then to a three-dimensional structure and ensure that blended teaching has stronger vitality in the new era.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 21(1): e220071, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418130


This study aimed to develop a protocol for the cryopreservation of Pseudoplatystoma corruscans semen. For this, mature males were hormonally induced with a single dose of carp pituitary extract (5 mg/kg body weight). Semen was collected and evaluated. Two cryoprotectants were tested to compose the diluents: dimethyl acetamide (DMA) and dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO), in two concentrations (8% and 10%), + 5.0% glucose + 10% egg yolk. The semen was diluted in a 1: 4 ratio (semen: extender), packed in 0.5 mL straws and frozen in a dry shipper container in liquid nitrogen vapors. After thawing, sperm kinetics, sperm morphology and DNA integrity of cryopreserved sperm were evaluated. Pseudoplatystoma corruscans males produced semen with sperm motility > 80%. After thawing, all treatments provided semen with total sperm motility > 40%, with no significant difference (P < 0.05) between them, as well as between the other sperm kinetic parameters evaluated. The treatments with DMA provided a smaller fragmentation of the DNA of the gametes. Sperm malformations were identified in both fresh and cryopreserved semen, with a slight increase in these malformations being identified in sperm from thawed P. corruscans semen samples.(AU)

Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver um protocolo para a criopreservação do sêmen de Pseudoplatystoma corruscans. Para tal, machos maduros foram induzidos hormonalmente com uma dose única de extrato de hipófise de carpa (5 mg/kg de peso vivo). O sêmen foi coletado e avaliado. Sendo testados para compor os diluentes, dois crioprotetores: dimetil acetamida (DMA) e dimetil sulfóxido (Me2SO), em duas concentrações (8% e 10%), + 5,0% glicose + 10% gema de ovo. O sêmen foi diluído na proporção 1: 4 (sêmen: extensor), embalado em palhetas de 0,5 mL e congelado em container dryshipper em vapores de nitrogênio líquido. Após o descongelamento, foram avaliados os aspectos cinéticos espermáticos, a morfologia espermática e a integridade do DNA dos espermatozoides criopreservados. Os machos de P. corruscans produziram sêmen com motilidade espermática > 80%. Todos os tratamentos proporcionaram após o descongelamento sêmen com motilidade espermática total > 40%, sem diferença significativa (P < 0,05) entre eles, como também entre os demais parâmetros cinéticos espermáticos avaliados. Os tratamentos com DMA proporcionaram uma menor fragmentação do DNA dos gametas. Malformações espermáticas foram identificadas, tanto no sêmen fresco, como no criopreservado, sendo identificado um aumento discreto dessas malformações nos espermatozoides das amostras de sêmen descongeladas de P. corruscans.(AU)

Animals , Catfishes , Cryopreservation , Dimethyl Sulfoxide/adverse effects , Acetamides/adverse effects , Semen/chemistry
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 56: e12946, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520470


The role of cyclooxygenase (COXs) isoforms in maintaining colonic mucosal integrity is not fully understood. This study aimed to evaluate the role of COX-1 and -2 on colonic mucosal integrity in an experimental colitis model. Colitis was induced in Wistar rats by intracolonic administration of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (20 mg + 50% ethanol). The control group (sham group) received saline only. After 7, 14, or 28 days, colonic samples were removed, and macroscopic lesion scores, wet weight, myeloperoxidase activity, and transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) were determined. In other rat groups, colonic samples from the sham group and a 7th day post-colitis group were mounted in Üssing chambers with the luminal side exposed to a buffer solution (control), acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), SC-560 (COX-1 inhibitor), or celecoxib (COX-2 inhibitor). TER and epithelial permeability to fluorescein were measured. The 7th day colitis group had higher macroscopic damage scores, wet weight, and myeloperoxidase activity and lower basal TER than the sham, 14th day colitis, and 28th day colitis groups. Inhibition of COX-1 but not COX-2 significantly decreased TER and increased permeability to fluorescein in the 7th day post-colitis group compared to the sham group. Additionally, ASA decreased the colonic mucosal integrity on day seven post-colitis compared to the sham group. A decrease in the colonic mucosa integrity in the experimental colitis model can be aggravated only by the inhibition of COX-1, which demonstrated the importance of this enzyme in the maintenance of colonic mucosal integrity.

S. Afr. J. Inf. Manag. ; 25(1): 1-7, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1532391


Background: The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic literature review of the role of social trust in health information exchange on social network sites (SNSs). In the light of the confusion and panic about health information leading to and during the worldwide lockdown, in an attempt to control the spread and symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Although the sharing of health information on SNS did not start during the COVID-19 lockdown, the concerns about health information interchange were highlighted during the lockdown. Objectives: This study investigates the nature of the association between health information exchange and social trust and how social trust has influenced health information exchange from 2005 to 2021. Method: In line with the purpose of the study, the researcher applied a systematic literature review to review conference articles, accredited journal articles and book chapters. The review process involved a rigorous procedure towards a definition of review protocol, extraction of articles, formulation of selection criteria and the review itself. Results: This study reveals a transactional interplay between the constructs of social trust (benevolence, integrity and competence) and social network site user roles (information seeker, information passer and information giver). Conclusion: In summary, the researcher argues that public health officials would benefit from setting up an SNS that proactively provides health information. The health information exchange experience should be designed in a way that takes into account how social trust can be used to moderate health information exchange in the SNS by different types.

National Health Strategies , Health Information Exchange , COVID-19 , Trust
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 952-959, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005615


Medicine is essentially an anthropology, and the patient role is characterized by integrity and subjectivity. With the progress of science and technology and social development, the contemporary patient role has become alienated. The specific manifestations of patient role alienation were analyzed from four aspects, including the objectification of the patient role and the blurring of the patient boundaries in sociology, the objectification of the patient role and the indexing of patients’ pain in technology, the challenge of patient life and health rights and the alienation of informed consent rights in law, and the instrumentalization of patient role and the fragility of patient subjectivity in economics. This paper proposed that the coordination of technology and humanities, the return to the nature of patients, and the concern for the needs of patients are essential in the development of modern medicine.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1138-1142, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005608


Under the background of scientific and technological innovation in the new era, ethical review of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is facing new opportunities and challenges. Focusing on how to maintain integrity and innovation in the ethical review work of TCM clinical research in TCM medical institutions, starting from the characteristics of innovation and inheritance of TCM clinical research, this paper discussed the construction of the ethical review system of TCM clinical research, key elements of attention, shortcomings and deficiencies, training and communication, etc. It is also proposed that the joint construction of a Chinese characteristic scientific and technological ethics governance system should consider the unique requirements of modern technological means for the ethical review of scientific and technological projects such as dialectical treatment, re-evaluation of prescription projects, and expansion of indications in clinical research of TCM; innovate the form of review and strengthen the process management of ethical review; scientifically, objectively and impartially evaluate the scientific nature and social value of clinical research projects in TCM; pay attention to the toxic side effects of TCM, especially compound preparations. So as to further improve the procedural norms and quality of ethical review of clinical research of TCM, protect the legitimate rights and interests and safety of subjects, and promote the development of medicine in China.

Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management ; (4): 52-56, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995828


Objective:The present study was designed to strengthen the education of research integrity, and to improve the awareness of academic misconduct and academic literacy of medical post-graduate students.Methods:A questionnaire survey was conducted with master post-graduate students of a university affiliated hospital, and statistical analysis on the education of research integrity and the perception of academic misconduct among the survey respondents was performed.Results:Academic master post-graduate students′ cognitions of the misconduct in scientific research process and overall academic misconduct were better than that of professional master post-graduate students, and there were significant differences ( P<0.05). The more times of participation in research integrity training, the better cognition of misconduct of scientific research process, research results publication process, and overall academic misconduct, with significant differences ( P<0.05). Conclusions:The education on scientific research integrity of medical post-graduates should be carried out systematically, while the content should be improved and the form should be enriched for scientific research integrity education, so that the medical post-graduates can have a deeper understanding of the code of academic practices, and an education model of scientific research integrity for medical post-graduate which is suitable for China′s national conditions can be gradually developed.

Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management ; (4): 13-17, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995821


Objective:To study the characteristics and patterns of medical research integrity cases reported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and to explore the countermeasures to strengthen the management of medical research integrity.Methods:20 batches of 555 cases of scientific research integrity cases publicly reported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China from June 2021 to May 2022 were taken as the research objects, and the papers involved, regional distribution, scientific research dishonesty and disciplinary measures were classified and analyzed.Results:Data falsification was the most common problem of scientific research dishonesty, accounting for 47.39%. Shandong Province was the province with the most reported cases, accounting for 50.81%. 27.67% of the corresponding authors received 5 disciplinary measures, and 26.28% of the first authors received 6 disciplinary measures. Among the disciplinary measures, the proportion of suspension of applications for various scientific research projects was the highest, with 87.60% of corresponding authors and 91.42% of first authors receiving this punishment. The corresponing authors with 5 years suspension accounted for 49.24% of all years, and the first authors accounted for 57.48%.Conclusions:To promote the integrity governance of medical research, we should strengthen the supervision of medical journals, promote regional exchanges, encourage active error correction, and improve the construction of scientific research integrity database.

Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 42(4): 254-263, dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1426786


Las revistas piratas o depredadoras (predatory journals en inglés) son cada vez más frecuentes y sorprenden en su buena fe a investigadores/as que buscan publicar sus manuscritos. Este artículo presenta un caso de descubrimiento y demostración de publicación en una revista pirata y un conjunto de sugerencias para evitar este error, como un aporte a profesionales de ciencias de la salud que realizan actividades de investigación. El resultado de las investigaciones mostró que la revista European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology(EJGO) es una revista pirata: fundada en 1980, solo desde 2020 posee International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) digital: sus primeras editoras, hasta 2020, no trabajaban en el área disciplinar de la revista ni pudieron ser rastreadas en ORCID; su actual editor no responde correos; la dirección postal de la editorial es la misma de una empresa canadiense importadora de juguetes. Hasta 2021 no poseía una plataforma web para el envío del manuscrito sino se enviaba el trabajo a un correo electrónico genérico. A raíz de nuestras denuncias fue suspendida de Scopus (Scimago) y Clarivate (Web of Science). Cuando Clarivate forzó a EJGO a avisar a sus lectores que estaba suspendida, inmediatamente cambió su página web y la empresa editora. En síntesis, se muestra un caso real de publicación en una revista pirata, la detección y comprobación de que dicha revista efectivamente cae en esta categoría y el aporte de conceptos y definiciones para tener en cuenta a fin de evitar caer en este error. (AU)

Predatory journals are becoming more frequent every day and surprise researchers who seek to publish their manuscripts. This article presents a case of discovery and demonstration of publication in a predatory journal and a set of suggestions to avoid this error, in a contribution to the education of health science professionals. The result of the research showed that the European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology (EJGO) is a pirate journal: founded in 1980, it obtainthe digital International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) in 2020; its former editors, until 2020, do not work in the disciplinary area of the journal and could not be tracked in ORCID, the new editor did not respond any mail; the postal address of the publisher is the same as that of a Canadian toy import company. Until 2021, it did not have a web platform for sending the manuscript, but rather the work was sent to a generic email. As a result of our complaints, it was suspended from Scopus (Scimago) and Clarivate (Web of Science).When Clarivate forced EJGO to notify its readers that it was suspended, it immediately changed its website and publisher. In brief, a real case of publication in a predatory journal is shown, the detection and verification that this journal actually falls into this category and contribution of concepts and definitions to avoid falling into this error. (AU)

Scientific Publication Ethics , Predatory Journals as Topic , Scholarly Communication/ethics
Indian J Med Ethics ; 2022 Dec; 7(4): 312-314
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222688


In a clinical trial registry, one determines whether a trial is registered prospectively or retrospectively by comparing the date of registration with the date on which enrollment started. However, in Clinical Trials Registry – India (CTRI), in addition, the top of each record is labelled with the phrase “Trial Registered Prospectively” or “Trial Registered Retrospectively”. In examining CTRI records, we have found that (a) although retrospective registration has been disallowed from April 1, 2018, some trials were registered retrospectively; (b) in some cases, enrollment started after registration, even though they were labelled “Trial Registered Retrospectively”, which is misleading; and (c) in some cases, the date of first enrollment was modified, changing a retrospective registration to a prospective one, although the label “Trial Registered Retrospectively” persisted. This, too, is misleading. The CTRI administration should take suitable steps to prevent late registration and mislabelling of trials regarding their registration status.

RECIIS (Online) ; 16(3): 530-547, jul.-set. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398904


Durante a pandemia de covid-19, foi observado um aumento expressivo do número de publicações (artigos e preprints), que levou ao rápido compartilhamento de informações e incentivou a discussão sobre a integridade científica na geração do conhecimento durante emergências sanitárias. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o de realizar uma breve análise do cenário referente à integridade em pesquisa em publicações em saúde durante a pandemia de covid-19. Para isso, fizemos uma pesquisa documental em sites de organizações com histórico de promoção da cultura da integridade. Verificamos como a urgência de geração de conhecimento acelerou, de forma positiva, o debate sobre ética e integridade em pesquisa e ciência aberta. Por outro lado, esse contexto expôs pontos críticos, como práticas questionáveis e/ou fraude em pesquisa. Ações educativas em instituições de pesquisa que visem à implementação e à manutenção da cultura da integridade podem contribuir significativamente para transformações positivas no sistema de pesquisa

During the covid-19 pandemic, a significant increase in the number of publications (articles and preprints) was observed, which led to the rapid sharing of information and encouraged the discussion about scientific integrity in the generation of knowledge during health emergencies. In this sense, the present work aims to analyze research integrity in health publications during the covid-19 pandemic. For this goal, we conducted documentary research on websites of organizations that promote the culture of research integrity. We verified how the urgency of generating knowledge positively accelerated the debate on ethics and integrity in research and open science. On the other hand, this context exposed critical points, such as questionable research practices, and/or research fraud. Educational actions in research institutions aimed at implementing and maintaining a culture of integrity can significantly contribute to positive changes in the research system.

Durante la pandemia de covid-19, se observó un aumento en el número de publicaciones (artículos y preprints), lo que condujo al rápido intercambio de información y fomentó la discusión sobre la integridad científica en la generación de conocimiento durante las emergencias sanitarias. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis sobre la integridad de la investigación en publicaciones de salud durante la pandemia de covid-19. Realizamos una investigación documental en sitios web de organizaciones con trayectoria en la promoción de una cultura de integridad. Comprobamos cómo la urgencia de generar conocimiento aceleró positivamente el debate sobre ética e integridad en la investigación y la ciencia abierta, pero expuso puntos críticos, tales como prácticas cuestionables y/o fraude de investigación. Las acciones educativas en instituciones de investigación dirigidas a implementar y mantener una cultura de integridad pueden contribuir a cambios positivos en el sistema de investigación.

Humans , Information Dissemination , Ethics, Research , Open Access Publishing , COVID-19 , Communication , Access to Information , Education , Preprint
RECIIS (Online) ; 16(3): 548-559, jul.-set. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398905


Responsabilização (accountability) em comunicação e editoração científica é um importante tema em ética e integridade em pesquisa, e um dos grandes desafios atuais da ciência. Este artigo apresenta um estudo descritivo sobre a responsabilização e os seus atores na comunicação científica (autores, revisores, editores), partindo da questão da responsabilização desses atores e das más condutas científicas vista por editores de revista SciELO do Brasil e de países da América Latina. Apresenta resultados a partir da visão dos editores em que os autores são responsáveis, e, parcialmente, os revisores e os próprios editores

Accountability in scientific communication and publishing is an important topic in ethics and research integrity, and one of the great challenges of science today. This article presents a descriptive study on accountability and its actors in scientific communication (authors, reviewers, editors), starting from the issue of accountability of these actors and from the scientific misconducts viewed by SciELO journals editors in Brazil and Latin America. Based on the editors' view, it stands that the authors are responsible, and the reviewers and the editors are partially responsible

La responsabilidad (accountability) en la comunicación y publicación científica es un tema importante en la ética y la integridad en la investigación, y uno de los grandes desafíos de la ciencia actual. Este artículo presenta un estudio descriptivo sobre la responsabilidad y sus actores en la comunicación científica (autores, revisores, editores), a partir de la cuestión de responsabilidad de estos actores y de las malas conductas científicas vista por los editores de revista SciELO en Brasil y en países de América Latina. Presenta resultados en la visión de los editores de que los autores son responsables, y los revisores y los propios editores son parcialmente responsables.

Humans , Publishing , Scientific Misconduct , Duty to Warn , Communication , Ethics, Research , Quality Control , Science , Periodical , Editorial Policies
RECIIS (Online) ; 16(3): 676-685, jul.-set. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398925


Em entrevista à Reciis, a professora e cientista Sonia Vasconcelos relata sobre a sua trajetória profissional e acadêmica que a aproximou do campo da ética e da integridade científica. Destaca sobre o quanto as dimensões históricas, sociais, culturais e linguísticas da comunicação científica estão implicadas nas percepções e nos pressupostos da integridade na ciência. Conforme a pesquisadora, a pandemia de covid-19, que desencadeou uma maior velocidade de publicação, correção de literatura científica e a explosão de preprints e as suas certificações em curto espaço de tempo, promoveu mudanças e desafios para o aprimoramento das políticas sobre ética e integridade na comunicação da ciência. Sonia Vasconcelos é professora do Instituto de Bioquímica Médica Leopoldo de Meis (IBqM) da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), atuando na área de Educação, Gestão e Difusão em Biociências do IBqM.

In an interview to Reciis, professor and scientist Sonia Vasconcelos reports on her professional and academic trajectory that brought her closer to the field of ethics and scientific integrity. She highlights how the historical, social, cultural, and linguistic dimensions of scientific communication are implicated in the perceptions and assumptions of integrity in science. According to the researcher, the covid-19 pandemic, which led to a greater speed of publication, correction of the literature, and the explosion of preprints in a short period of time, triggered changes to and increased challenges toward improving policies on ethics and integrity in science communication. Sonia Vasconcelos is a professor at Institute of Medical Biochemistry Leopoldo de Meis (IBqM) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), working in the science education and policy area of IBqM.

En entrevista con Reciis, la profesora y científica Sonia Vasconcelos relata su trayectoria profesional y académica que la acercó al campo de la ética y la integridad científica. Destaca cómo las dimensiones históricas, sociales, culturales y lingüísticas de la comunicación científica están involucradas en las percepciones y supuestos de integridad en la ciencia. De acuerdo con la investigadora, la pandemia de covid-19, que desencadenó una mayor velocidad de publicación, corrección de la literatura científica y la explosión de preprints y sus certificaciones en un corto período de tiempo, promovió cambios y desafíos para la mejora de las políticas en materia de ética y integridad en la comunicación de la ciencia. Sonia Vasconcelos es profesora del Instituto Leopoldo de Meis de Bioquímica Médica (IBqM) de la Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), actuando en el área de educación científica y política del IBqM

Humans , Science , Health Research Evaluation , Scientific Communication and Diffusion , Ethics , COVID-19 , Research , Communication , Science, Technology and Society , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Pensar mov ; 20(1)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448774


Aragón Vargas, L.F. y Matarrita Jiménez, A. (2022). Buenas prácticas de supervisión de tesis de grado y posgrado. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 20(1), 1-19. La formación que reciben los estudiantes universitarios y, en particular, la rigurosidad con que se supervisan sus tesis, inciden directamente en la calidad de profesionales que se gradúan. Por ello, además de la importancia de prevenir problemas en la relación docente-estudiante durante el proceso de elaboración de tesis, es valioso proponer buenas prácticas para su supervisión. En este ensayo se identifican aspectos sensibles del proceso para dar recomendaciones complementarias a la labor docente, pues la mayoría de las personas que fungen como directoras de tesis no han recibido una formación concreta para esa labor; aprenden el oficio por prueba y error. Los fallos abundan y perjudican al estudiantado. En los siguientes párrafos se identifican elementos prácticos susceptibles de mejoras, particularmente, aquellos relacionados con los plazos y procedimientos para la revisión de documentos por parte del comité asesor, así como con la autoría de las publicaciones resultantes y con el papel de quienes conforman el comité asesor, su selección y su remuneración. También, se aborda el manejo de las expectativas de las personas involucradas, la labor de dirigir el trabajo de dos o más estudiantes, el nivel de supervisión que debe ejercer quien dirige la tesis y la calificación de cada una. En lugar de intentar imponer una reglamentación que, necesariamente, será intrusiva e imperfecta, se proponen buenas prácticas derivadas de experiencias positivas y negativas de los autores como tutores de más de 40 tesis. El propósito es fortalecer la integridad académica del personal docente de las universidades y mejorar la formación de profesionales.

Aragón Vargas, L.F. e Matarrita Jiménez, A. (2022). Boas práticas de supervisão de tese de graduação e pós-graduação. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 20(1), 1-19. A formação recebida pelos estudantes universitários e, particularmente, a rigorosidade com que suas teses são supervisadas, incidem diretamente na qualidade de professionais que se formam. Portanto, além da importância de prevenir problemas na relação docente-estudante durante o processo de criação de tese, é valioso propor boas práticas para sua supervisão. Neste ensaio são identificados aspectos sensíveis do processo para dar recomendações complementares ao trabalho docente, já que a maioria das pessoas que atuam como diretoras de tese não receberam uma formação concreta para essa função; aprendem o ofício por tentativa e erro. As deficiências abundam e prejudicam os estudantes. Nos seguintes parágrafos são apontados elementos práticos suscetíveis de melhoras, particularmente, aqueles referentes aos prazos e procedimentos para a revisão de documentos por parte do comitê assessor, como também à autoria das publicações resultantes e à função daqueles que conformam esse comitê, sua seleção e remuneração. Igualmente, apresenta a gestão das expectativas das pessoas envolvidas, a função de dirigir o trabalho de dois ou mais estudantes, o nível de supervisão que deve ser exercido por quem conduz a tese e a avaliação de cada uma. Em lugar de tentar impor uma regulamentação que, necessariamente, será intrusiva e imperfeita, são propostas boas práticas derivadas de experiências positivas e negativas dos autores como tutores de mais de 40 teses. O propósito é o fortalecimento da integridade acadêmica do pessoal docente das universidades e a melhora da formação de profissionais.

Aragón Vargas, L.F. & Matarrita Jiménez, A. (2022). Best mentoring practices for undergraduate and graduate theses. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 20(1), 1-19. University student training, and in particular the rigor applied to the supervision of theses, have a direct impact on the quality of professionals graduating from school. For this reason, and because it is highly desirable to prevent problems in the teacher-student relationship during thesis work, a proposal of good practices for supervision is considered valuable. The purpose of this essay is to identify sensitive aspects of the process and to offer recommendations to supplement the work performed by teachers, considering that most mentors or thesis directors have not received formal training for this particular job but learn through trial and error; mistakes abound and have a negative impact on students. It is possible to identify practical elements of thesis supervision which are amenable of improvement, especially those having to do with deadlines and the process of document review performed by the thesis committee, with authorship of resulting publications, and with the role of the thesis committee members, their selection, and compensation. Managing expectations of all people involved, supervising a thesis with two or more students, the breadth and depth of supervision required of the mentor, and grading each undergraduate and graduate thesis are also considered. Instead of attempting to impose rules which will necessarily be intrusive and imperfect, a few good practices are recommended, derived from both the authors' good and bad experiences in their work as thesis mentors for over 40 students. The goal is to strengthen the academic integrity of university teachers and to improve the training of new professionals.

Dement. neuropsychol ; 16(2): 129-134, Apr.-June 2022. il, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384664


ABSTRACT. Science and science reporting are under threat. Knowingly or not, researchers and clinicians are part of this debacle. This is not due so much to the notorious replication crisis, as to our acceptance of lowering common morality for personal gains, including the widespread, deprecable phenomenon of predatory publishing. Rather than fiercefully countering this loathsome practice, academics are accepting, often supporting a masquerade solution: paying several thousand dollars to publish for all their own papers. This new policy will create a disparity across richer and poorer disciplines; will result in concentrating even more in the hands of large, rich, Western institutions, also penalising younger researchers; will kill observational studies and exploratory research; and will make disseminating science depending more on finances than on quality. This article calls for the full awareness of the academic community on the risks of the current situation in scientific publishing.

RESUMO. A ciência e os relatórios científicos estão ameaçados. Conscientemente ou não, pesquisadores e médicos fazem parte desse desastre. Isso não se deve tanto à notória crise de replicação, mas à nossa aceitação de rebaixar a moralidade comum para ganhos pessoais, incluindo o fenômeno generalizado e depreciável da publicação predatória. Em vez de combater ferozmente essa prática repugnante, os acadêmicos estão aceitando, muitas vezes até apoiando uma solução de disfarce: pagar vários milhares de dólares para publicar seus próprios artigos. Essa nova política criará uma disparidade entre as disciplinas mais ricas e mais pobres, resultará na concentração ainda maior nas mãos de grandes e ricas instituições ocidentais, penalizando também os pesquisadores mais jovens; matará os estudos observacionais e a pesquisa exploratória e fará com que a divulgação científica dependa mais das finanças do que da qualidade. Este artigo apela à plena consciência da comunidade acadêmica sobre os riscos da situação atual da publicação científica.

Open Access Publishing , Access to Information , Scientific Publication Ethics
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408154


RESUMEN Probablemente, varios de los lectores de este artículo en determinado momento han recibido correos electrónicos "seductores", en los cuales, de forma encomiástica, cordial y sospechosamente entusiasta, quizás haciendo referencia a investigaciones anteriores del destinatario, el editor ejecutivo de una revista foránea les invita a contribuir con algún informe científico en la confección de un número cuya publicación es inminente. Este tipo de invitación puede resultar un molesto incidente para múltiples profesionales o tal vez, una oferta tentadora para otros, pues la perciben como una oportunidad rápida y facilista para optimizar su gestión curricular. Tales mensajes constituyen una intrusión en la privacidad de los usuarios, consecuencias de políticas de difusión fraudolentas, agresivas e indiscriminadas, carentes de transparencia, promotoras del plagio y transgresoras de la ética científica, practicadas por pseudorevistas conocidas con el término despectivo de "revistas depredadoras". Estas revistas constituyen una amenaza a la ética de las publicaciones científicas, pues tienen como objetivo obtener reconocimiento y beneficios económicos, a expensas de prácticas deshonestas, que fomentan el plagio y ocasionan perjuicios sobre los autores, pacientes e instituciones académicas. El presente artículo de opinión tuvo como objetivo describir las características de las revistas depredadoras y la pseudopublicación científica en general(AU)

ABSTRACT Probably, several of the readers of this article at a certain time have received "seductive" emails, in which, in a commendable, cordial and suspiciously enthusiastic way, perhaps referring to previous research of the recipient, the executive editor of a foreign journal invites them to contribute with some scientific report in the preparation of an issue whose publication is imminent. This type of invitation can be an annoying incident for multiple professionals or perhaps, a tempting offer for others, as they perceive it as a quick and easy opportunity to optimize their curricular management. Such messages constitute an intrusion into the privacy of users, the result of fraudulent, aggressive and indiscriminate dissemination policies, lacking transparency, promoters of plagiarism and transgressors of scientific ethics, practiced by pseudo-journals known with the derogatory term of "predatory journals". These journals constitute a threat to the ethics of scientific publications, since they aim to obtain recognition and economic benefits, at the expense of dishonest practices, which encourage plagiarism and cause harm to authors, patients and academic institutions. This opinion piece aimed to describe the characteristics of predatory journals and scientific pseudo-publishing in general(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Scientific Integrity Review , Predatory Journals as Topic
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223681


Background & objectives: Cingulum bundle (CB) is frequently implicated in schizophrenia; however, its role in specific symptoms of schizophrenia such as auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs) is less explored. Few studies have reported association between reduced integrity of CB and severity of AVH. Using a symptom-based approach, this diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractographic study was aimed to assess and compare the integrity of CB in schizophrenia with AVH, schizophrenia without AVH and healthy controls. Methods: A total of 92 right-handed adult individuals (aged 18-50 yr) were recruited across three study groups. Those with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 (DSM-5) diagnosis of schizophrenia with AVH (group I; n=30) were compared to those with DSM-5 schizophrenia without lifetime AVH (group II; n=32) and healthy controls (group III; n=30; screened using Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview version-7.0.0. and negative family history). Clinical assessments (groups I and II) included scale for assessment of positive symptoms, scale for assessment of negative symptoms, clinical global impression-schizophrenia and psychotic symptom rating scale. All participants underwent DTI, and quantitative tract-based measurements of fractional anisotropy (FA) were obtained for images using DTI studio version-3.0. Results: All groups were comparable for age, gender, education and severity of illness. Group I had significantly lower FA values in the cingulate gyrus (CG) part of the left CB compared to groups II and III. No significant difference was found between groups II and III. Interpretation & conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the disruption in the left CB appears to be specific for AVH-positive schizophrenia. The finding is, however, preliminary subject to replication in future studies. Further investigations are needed to understand its relevance in the context of AVH-positive schizophrenia.